Kallelse till årsstämma i Webrock Ventures AB

Aktieägarna i Webrock Ventures AB, org.nr 559130-4406, kallas härmed till årsstämma den 23 maj 2024 klockan 15.00 hos Advokatfirman Schjødt på Hamngatan 27 i Stockholm. Rätt att delta och anmälanRätt att delta i årsstämman har den som dels är införd i den av Euroclear Sweden AB förda aktieboken den 15 maj 2024. dels anmält sig […]

Webrock Venture’s portfolio company FinanZero announces 4 million USD media-for-equity deal

05.03.24, São Paulo, Brazil: Webrock Venture’s portfolio company FinanZero (finanzero.com.br), the leading online credit marketplace in Brazil, announces today that it has secured a media-for-equity deal of 4 million USD with 4Equity, an investment manager that gives startups the option to exchange equity for access to premium advertising space. The transaction gives 4Equity a minority […]

Latin America Digital Transformation Report 2022

PUBLISHED: September 21, 2022 We recommend reading Atlantico’s digital transformation report to gain an overview of the tech landscape in Latam. Here are our key takeaways: ➤ Brazil’s tech ecosystem will have massive value creation as it catches up to the likes of India, China, and even the US, all of which began their journeys long […]

The Telehealth Era Is Just Beginning

PUBLISHED: September 1, 2022 According to a recent article in Harvard Business Review telehealth can make healthcare more equitable and accessible to 78% of adults globally who own a smartphone, including those in medically underserved communities.  With telehealth at its core, our portfolio company Cardo Health is on a mission to democratize access to healthcare – starting with emerging markets. […]

Portfolio company Cardo Health launches telemedicine app Kena Health in South Africa

PUBLISHED: March 9, 2022 Digital health company Cardo Health announces today that it has launched the telemedicine app Kena Health in South Africa. For the early detection and treatment of health conditions, easy access to primary healthcare is crucial. Today, however, Africa has the lowest patient-to-doctor ratio in the world with 0.23 doctors for every 10,000 […]

Cardo Health raises USD 17.5 million to take digital health to emerging markets

PUBLISHED: January 11, 2022 Stockholm (Sweden), 11 January 2022 – Today, Cardo Health announces the closing of an over-subscribed USD 17.5 million funding round. Founded by former McKinsey Partner and European start-up practice leader Tobias Strålin, Cardo Health is on a mission to improve the health and wellbeing of millions of people in emerging markets. It […]

Webrock Ventures, Healthforce and Doktor.se launch a telehealth company in sub-Saharan Africa

PUBLISHED: June 20, 2021 Read more about the initiative in TechCrunch; www.techcrunch.com/2021/06/10/new-south-african-partnership-gets-3m-launches-telehealth-product/  and in Di Digital: https://www.di.se/digital/svenskar-tar-digital-vard-till-afrika-med-25-miljoner-pa-fickan/  May 2021, Johannesburg, South Africa – Investment firm Webrock Ventures has announced a partnership with the South African digital health company Healthforce, owned by South Africa’s leading retail pharmacy chain Dis-Chem, and Swedish health tech company Doktor.se to launch an app-based telehealth service […]

LAVCA’s 2021 Review of Tech Investment in Latin America

PUBLISHED: April 23, 2021CATEGORY: Brazil LAVCA, the Association for Private Capital Investment in Latin America, recently published its annual report on tech investment in Latin America. Please download the report below. Key highlights from the report: Related documents